Home » Norwegian Forest cats facts

Norwegian Forest cats facts

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In this article we give you some facts about the Norwegian Forest cat

List of facts

The Vikings may have brought the Norwegian Forest cats to Norway.
Norwegian Forest cat is large cat that can reach 9 to 22 pounds of weight.
Norwegian Forest cat has fluffy semi-long coat that is waterproof.
Brown tabby and white coat is the most frequently seen.
Norwegian Forest cat is known for its excellent climbing skills.
Norwegian Forest cat is the national cat of Norway.

Known as skogkatt in Norway
Scandinavians call the cat wegies.
The eyes are almond shaped and oblique, and may be of any colour.
Norwegian Forest cat is very popular in Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Iceland and France.
Norwegian Forest cat needs to be brushed once or twice per week.
Norwegian Forest cat gives birth to 4 kittens on average.
Norwegian Forest cat has an average lifespan of 12 to 16 years.
Norwegian Forest cat has relatively big and furry ears.
Norwegian Forest cat has adapted to cold climates.
Norwegian Forest cats can scale trees easily with their strong claws
Kidney and heart diseases have been reported in Norwegian Forest cats.
Norwegian Forest cats tend to cost from $800 to $1500.


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